In my Family Relations class this week, we learned about differences
in gender and the different gender roles that there are. In preparation for one
of our classes this week, I watched a video about some people’s views on how
there shouldn’t be differences in gender roles.
Some of the people interviewed in this video said that they thought that society happened to create gender roles, and that they did not think differences in gender
roles were important. Studies have shown that even as little children, before they are influenced by society's views, that boys tend to be more rough in their play and girls tend to be more caring and nurturing in their play. In The Family: A Proclamation
to the World, it states specific roles for each gender. The proclamation
states that “by divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in
love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life
and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the
nurture of their children.” I love how at the beginning of this quote is says
that we were given gender and these roles by divine design; gender roles were
not made by mistake. Even though each gender has certain roles, that doesn’t
mean one gender is better than the other or that males and females are unequal.
Because men and women have different roles and abilities, we are able to
complete and complement each other.
Great post! What are some possible reasons that society often denies the importance of gender roles? Elder Boyd K. Packer stated that "some roles are best suited to the masculine nature and others to the feminine nature." What are some ways in which men and women compliment one another? I loved that you mentioned that gender is an eternal characteristic as many do not recognize this truth. You gave the thought that men and women "complete" one another, how does this occur?